Discover A Thrilling Kenyan Fantasy Adventure in MORAAN Webtoon

By Soila Kenya

The Nairobi-based Avandu Studios began serialising the thriller comic MORAAN via the ever-popular Webtoon app on 1st August, 2022 and boy, does it deliver on action, adventure, and that good, good dose of African Fantasy.

The story begins with a chase in the Maasai Mara. The Moraan, which is an elite unit of warriors, are hunting poachers in a high-speed chase across the savannah. Using bows, arrows, and guns as well as superhuman feats of athleticism and strength, they capture their prey — but before they even have a chance to celebrate, a supernatural entity attacks their group.

This story packs a punch. The action truly jumps off the screen and sets a relentless pace till the end. The classic Avandu style that mimics ancient African sculptures is a winning formula for a story based on the Maasai Morans. The colours really pop, especially with the fantasy elements. 

The crowning glory of the comic, though, is the character design. The bad guys are bulky and rough-hewn while the Moraan’s members are slender and tall—probably fashioned after the Maasai. It provides a great contrast as you scroll through the story and it’s really easy to keep track of who’s who during the fighting scenes.

There are also hints of rivalry between two warriors in the Moraan unit: Leiyan and Mayaan. I cannot wait to discover their background; I can already sense the upcoming flashback episodes.

At the time of writing, there is only one episode out, but according to an Instagram post from earlier this year, Avandu reported that this comic is their main title for this year, meaning they will focus on getting more episodes out soon. We look forward to following Moraan and learning more about their inner workings and that of the world they live in.

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